Missing Primary Ballot?
If you have not received a Primary Ballot in the mail. Please fill out the following and an election complaint will be sent to the Election Committee on your behalf:
Election Committee
Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians
523 Ashmun Street
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783
Re: Election Complaint
I am a registered Tribal Voter of the Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians, have not received my primary ballot for the current Tribal Election. I am filing this complaint with the Election Committee as my Constitutional rights to vote, as well as those detailed within Tribal Code, Chapter 10 (Elections) are being violated by not allowing me to vote.
Please contact me at:
All fields are required to be filled out before you can submit.
This e-mail will be sent to directly to the Election committee at elections@saulttribe.net upon completion and clicking the submit button.